The Dynamics of Gender and Life
Science & Tech • Spirituality/Belief • Education
Discussions about, ideas concerning and analysis of various belief-systems, be they scientific, religious, new-age, philosophical, or any other belief-system.

It might at first appear that scientific belief-systems are independent of belief, but as many will appreciate, science progresses by questioning existing paradigms (beliefs, 'facts' etc).

There are some rudimentary processes that enable analysis of belief-systems, irrespective of their nature. ...
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Basic principles

Task: Take everything about life and boil it all down to some basic principles, in order to give us a 'map', or a set of guidelines, a basic blueprint, with which to live life.

Those boiled-down root principles would need to accommodate science, religion, new-age philosophies, politics, psychology, art, cosmology, sociology, and any other fields of human experience and knowledge.

Those root principles would also need to accommodate our personal experiences, our dreams, fears, intuitions, etc.

What are those root principles?

One is revealed by the science of quantum mechanics, in concert with that of our personal experiences.

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Introductory video: The Dynamics of Gender and Life: Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics

Introductory video providing insight into various phenomena – e.g. the impetus toward "woke" or cancel culture; gender fluidity; the gender pay gap – using basic principles from the field of quantum physics.

Based on the book "The Dynamics of Gender and Life: Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics” ISBN 978-0-9578537-6-8

Some reviews of my work are available at

Additional commentary at

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Time stamps

0:14 Subtitle too complicated
0:35 Overview of topics covered (scroll through index)
0:58 Gender issues covered, plus other fields: science, religion, psychology
1:31 Intro to SOS model; wave-particle duality of quantum physics
2:25 Paradox of possible with actual central to creativity, well-being, achievement
3:13 Other paradoxes ...

The underlying cause of woke, cancel culture, and the need for mavericks and matrons

Imagine that you are the most creative, the most talented, the strongest, the bravest, or the most compassionate person among those you know, or know of.

Perhaps you’ve gained a medal at a recent Olympic Games, after years, or decades of training and discipline. Your successes, your resolve, your discipline in the face of adversity, have instilled in you a can-do attitude that empowers you, enabling you to push through difficulties, come what may.

Imagine though, that at some point you start identifying with some group. What would happen? If you primarily identify with a group – be it race, gender, age, spiritual – you immediately diminish yourself. You can no longer be the most creative, or the most compassionate, or the bravest. You can at best be the average of the group, since the group can only be known by its average, by its perceived reputation, by its perceived degree of, or perceived lack of compassion, strength, honesty, and creativity.

Even if you belong to some elite group, that group can’t fully reflect your unique ...

Introductory video: The Dynamics of Gender and Life - what about the penguins?
Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics


Introductory video providing insight into various phenomena – e.g. the impetus toward "woke" or cancel culture; gender fluidity; the gender pay gap – using basic principles from the field of quantum physics.

Based on the book "The Dynamics of Gender and Life: Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics” ISBN 978-0-9578537-6-8

Some reviews of my work are available at

Additional commentary at

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Time stamps

0:14 Subtitle too complicated
0:35 Overview of topics covered (scroll through index)
0:58 Gender issues covered, plus other fields: science, religion, psychology
1:31 Intro to SOS model; wave-particle duality of quantum physics
2:25 Paradox of possible with actual central to creativity, well-being, achievement
3:13 Other paradoxes (inseparable dualities) via butterfly diagram
3:47 Male (XY) humans more different than female (XX) humans
4:08 Camille Paglia, 'no Mozart, because no Jack The Ripper'
4:17 Dr Helena Cronin, males more different than females
4:40 Conversely male (ZZ) Emperor Penguins nurture young, like female humans
5:00 Quick quiz: who stays home, minding the kid(s)?
5:20 One factor in gender pay gap: females too agreeable.
5:37 Agreeableness important to harmony, unity within groups, teams etc
6:00 Dr Jordan Peterson, being DIS-agreeable correlated with higher income
6:31 Being disagreeable good for income, but is it good for intuition?
6:36 Bias toward left or right-wing beneficial in limited circumstances
6:52 Paradox of "Inseparable Duality" = both wings working together, uplifting
7:14 Possible (wave) → probable → actual (particle) diagram
7:15 Particles (actuality) correlated right-wing past due to speed of light lag
7:34 Sir Lawrence Bragg: "everything in the future is waves..."
8:19 First principle: always choosing from infinite possibilities, one lived actuality
8:31 Even not choosing is still a choice, allowing others to choose for you. [Note: in later videos trusting intuition involves a dual process of focusing while letting go ("not choosing") -- a poised balance engaging future with present]
8:38 Choice is central to all aspects of life ("collapse of the wave-function"), and NOT just for humans, as covered in later videos.
8:39 Women can choose to be more masculine, negotiate higher incomes
9:06 Left-wing is open (to infinite, possible, futures), feminine, waves, energy, desire (source energy, initiates action covered in later videos)
9:14 "It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind" (is natural to do so while amid unending fluid possibilities)
9:24 Being agreeable more difficult to say NO to pleadings of others.
9:25 Right-wing "pointy end of the diagram" correlated with the past, serial one-step-at-a-time action (hence "predictable"), linear. Closed ("minded"), focused, singular, detailed, hard reality of life.
9:53 Being highly-focused (masculine) beneficial, e.g. productive at work
10:05 Steve Jobs, highly-focused, said no to a myriad of product developments, was crucial to Apple's turn-around, and success.
10:20 Being open, flexible, agreeable (left-wing) beneficial to creativity, adapting to change, and enabling peace, harmony and unity.
10:36 Right-wing is conservative (conserving the past, via keeping traditions, etc).
10:43 Right-wing orientated people suspicious of creative ideas that emerge from left-field (left-wing) as change can upset predictable, stable reality, and world-view.
11:04 Conservative (right-wing) see world in terms of either/or, right-wrong distinctions, with little appreciation or tolerance of nuance
11:22 Reason for either/or view is rooted in limitations of physical life, e.g. at a cross-road junction only one or the other can be physically travelled at any point in time. In contrast to fluid possibilities in the future (feminine).
11:40 Gender fluidity anathema to right-wing people, either male (XY) or female (XX).
12:00 Each wing reliant on complimentary wing
12:21 E.g. left-wing engage masculine right-wing either/or divisions: their "woke" group = "right" vs others (not "woke") are wrong, excluded, cancelled.
12:46 to exclude others is highly masculine right-wing behaviour
12:54 hard left-wing collectivist bias induces pernicious right-wing behaviour, harming others (e.g. millions killed in collectivist societies).
13:30 Free speech reliant on right-wing individualism, in that left-wing is biased toward unity (collectives, group-mind), typically at the expense of individual agency, voice, out-outspokenness, truth (reality).
14:00 within broader, deeper context of the TOA (totality of One and all), all phenomena have meaning.

In summary, left-wing biased toward Sameness (e.g. of opinion). Right-wing toward Difference (individualism)

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