Introductory video providing insight into various phenomena – e.g. the impetus toward "woke" or cancel culture; gender fluidity; the gender pay gap – using basic principles from the field of quantum physics.
Based on the book "The Dynamics of Gender and Life: Timeless Principles of Quantum, Fractal and Natural Phenomena, and Human Social Dynamics” ISBN 978-0-9578537-6-8
Some reviews of my work are available at https://beliefinstitute.com/reviews
Additional commentary at https://stephenpirie.com
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Time stamps
0:14 Subtitle too complicated
0:35 Overview of topics covered (scroll through index)
0:58 Gender issues covered, plus other fields: science, religion, psychology
1:31 Intro to SOS model; wave-particle duality of quantum physics
2:25 Paradox of possible with actual central to creativity, well-being, achievement
3:13 Other paradoxes (inseparable dualities) via butterfly diagram
3:47 Male (XY) humans more different than female (XX) humans
4:08 Camille Paglia, 'no Mozart, because no Jack The Ripper'
4:17 Dr Helena Cronin, males more different than females
4:40 Conversely male (ZZ) Emperor Penguins nurture young, like female humans
5:00 Quick quiz: who stays home, minding the kid(s)?
5:20 One factor in gender pay gap: females too agreeable.
5:37 Agreeableness important to harmony, unity within groups, teams etc
6:00 Dr Jordan Peterson, being DIS-agreeable correlated with higher income
6:31 Being disagreeable good for income, but is it good for intuition?
6:36 Bias toward left or right-wing beneficial in limited circumstances
6:52 Paradox of "Inseparable Duality" = both wings working together, uplifting
7:14 Possible (wave) → probable → actual (particle) diagram
7:15 Particles (actuality) correlated right-wing past due to speed of light lag
7:34 Sir Lawrence Bragg: "everything in the future is waves..."
8:19 First principle: always choosing from infinite possibilities, one lived actuality
8:31 Even not choosing is still a choice, allowing others to choose for you. [Note: in later videos trusting intuition involves a dual process of focusing while letting go ("not choosing") -- a poised balance engaging future with present]
8:38 Choice is central to all aspects of life ("collapse of the wave-function"), and NOT just for humans, as covered in later videos.
8:39 Women can choose to be more masculine, negotiate higher incomes
9:06 Left-wing is open (to infinite, possible, futures), feminine, waves, energy, desire (source energy, initiates action covered in later videos)
9:14 "It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind" (is natural to do so while amid unending fluid possibilities)
9:24 Being agreeable more difficult to say NO to pleadings of others.
9:25 Right-wing "pointy end of the diagram" correlated with the past, serial one-step-at-a-time action (hence "predictable"), linear. Closed ("minded"), focused, singular, detailed, hard reality of life.
9:53 Being highly-focused (masculine) beneficial, e.g. productive at work
10:05 Steve Jobs, highly-focused, said no to a myriad of product developments, was crucial to Apple's turn-around, and success.
10:20 Being open, flexible, agreeable (left-wing) beneficial to creativity, adapting to change, and enabling peace, harmony and unity.
10:36 Right-wing is conservative (conserving the past, via keeping traditions, etc).
10:43 Right-wing orientated people suspicious of creative ideas that emerge from left-field (left-wing) as change can upset predictable, stable reality, and world-view.
11:04 Conservative (right-wing) see world in terms of either/or, right-wrong distinctions, with little appreciation or tolerance of nuance
11:22 Reason for either/or view is rooted in limitations of physical life, e.g. at a cross-road junction only one or the other can be physically travelled at any point in time. In contrast to fluid possibilities in the future (feminine).
11:40 Gender fluidity anathema to right-wing people, either male (XY) or female (XX).
12:00 Each wing reliant on complimentary wing
12:21 E.g. left-wing engage masculine right-wing either/or divisions: their "woke" group = "right" vs others (not "woke") are wrong, excluded, cancelled.
12:46 to exclude others is highly masculine right-wing behaviour
12:54 hard left-wing collectivist bias induces pernicious right-wing behaviour, harming others (e.g. millions killed in collectivist societies).
13:30 Free speech reliant on right-wing individualism, in that left-wing is biased toward unity (collectives, group-mind), typically at the expense of individual agency, voice, out-outspokenness, truth (reality).
14:00 within broader, deeper context of the TOA (totality of One and all), all phenomena have meaning.
In summary, left-wing biased toward Sameness (e.g. of opinion). Right-wing toward Difference (individualism)